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RK Real Estate
The lands are using into Agricature,Factory's,Comertial,Etc. 1 to 100 acrs Available. The prizes are Rs.150000/- to Rs.1000000/-
70kms (1hr) along to Hyderabad.
Avaialable Lands & Plats in Nalgonda,Ranga Reddy Dist.
Address:- Vattipally "X" Road,
Marriguda Mandal,
Nalgonda Dist.
Contact:- +91 944 100 8736
+91 809 629 5631

(V) V a t t i p a l l y , (M) M a r r i g u d a , (D) N a l g o n d a , P i n -5 0 8 2 4 5.
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